D.Crews株式会社/Web design&Marketing
D.Crews株式会社/Web design&Marketing
集客力を上げるホームページ・ECサイトデザイン | 見る人の視点から考える構成作り | SEO ロゴデザイン Webマーケティング

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Acerca de D.Crews株式会社/Web design&Marketing

Web site作り、お困りではありませんか?ホームページやECサイトは欲しいけど、どれくらいの費用をかければいい?費用に対するクオリティは?業界のことをよく知らないから、どこまで対応してくれるのかわからない?など、そんな悩みをお持ちの企業様、事業者様、D.Crewsはまずはしっかりご説明させていただきます。費用が高いから良い、安いから良いというわけではありません。最初の制作会社選びは費用に対ししっかり内容が伴っているかが重要です。 またWebサイトからのお問い合せ、契約、リクルート、売上増加、それらを狙うには、ただオシャレ、かっこいい、作り手が気に入っているデザインでは狙えません。 【サイトを見るお客様がどう思うか?】 【目的達成までの導線は適切か?】 基本はシンプルで見やすいサイト作りをベースとしますが、弊社の強みは対応力です!これまでの作成してきた実績は、工業関係、建設関係、美容関係、不動産関係、宿泊施設関係、また個人事業主様のピアノレッスンや害虫駆除のLPサイトなど! 幅広くご対応が可能です♪ 【事業主様のご要望に添いつつ、そのビジネスのターゲットの視点から考えて構成を組む】 そんなWebサイトをD.Crewsのプロに任せてみませんか? サイトのリニューアルも承っております! 【制作についての注意点】 ・テキスト、写真などの素材については基本クライアント様にご用意いただきます。(ご用意できない場合はご相談ください) ・打ち合わせは初回はZOOMでの打ち合わせをさせていただきます。 【制作の流れについて】 ①打ち合わせ+ヒアリングシートの作成 ②ベースデザインの作成・確認 (ベースデザインが良ければ③へ。クライアント様は必要素材のご準備) ③デザイン修正 →公式LINEにて常にやり取りをしながら細かい部分まで何度も修正可能。 ④最終チェック→PC版校了 ⑤スマホレイアウト作成→レタッチ ⑥SEO対策→納品 【D.CrewsのPoint】 ✅無制限のデザイン修正! ✅納品後も公式LINEにていつでもサポート♪ ✅Wixのお困りごとがあったらショート動画を作成し分かりやすくご説明!! 【お支払いについて】 ・制作作業は入金後に開始とさせていただきます。なお知的財産保護の観点から作業後はいかなる場合も返金には応じませんのでご理解・ご了承願います。 ...
Trabaja en:

Servicios ofrecidos
Redacción y copywritingDesarrollo de marcaEditar imágenesMigrar página webPágina web móvilDiseño web clásicoDiseño web avanzadoActualizaciones del sitioInstalación de aplicacionesConexión de dominiosContenido visualPágina web de comercio electrónicoConfiguración del menú del restauranteRediseño de página webEmail personalizadoLogo personalizado

Servicios y tarifas

Diseño web (5)

Pequeñas tareas (5)

Tienda online (1)

Marketing y promoción (1)

Diseño gráfico (4)

Diseño web clásico

Obtén una página web básica con un tema.
A partir de 2346 $

Diseño web avanzado

Obtén una página web con elementos visuales personalizados, funciones avanzadas y más.
A partir de 2346 $

Rediseño de página web

Obtén un nuevo tema y diseño para tu página web.
A partir de 2346 $

Migrar página web

Utiliza tus gráficos y contenido existentes en un nuevo sitio Wix.
A partir de 2346 $

Página web móvil

Haz que tu sitio se vea increíble en dispositivos móviles.
A partir de 355 $

Reseñas (3)

 / 5
Julianne Anderson-Burrell

24 oct 2024

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I am very pleased with the customer service I received from Mark at Orriss Design. Mark was very attentive and explained at every stage what he was going to do. He allowed me to ask questions so that I... had a better understanding of how his expertise would help me gain more traffic on my website by implementing SEOs. Mark is very easy to talk to and set me at ease, so for those of you who are considering engaging someone to help with your SEOs, I would highly recommend Mark.
Servicio prestado: Servicios de SEO
Respuesta del profesional
Thanks Julianne. It was great working with you and I look forward to working with you again in the future....


31 ago 2024

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I'm really happy with the advice Mark has given me and the work he has completed with regards to improving the SEO of my website. I will definitely be in touch again. Thank you...
Servicio prestado: Servicios de SEO


31 jul 2024

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Mark was great to work with. He didn't assume that I had any prior knowledge, and talked me clearly through each step of the path to creating a website. Would recommend to anyone looking for a website,... no prior knowledge needed.
Servicio prestado: Diseño web clásico


19 jul 2024

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Mark did a great job putting my website together. He had some excellent ideas at the start about what we should do. He was also happy to make adjustments as the website developed. He was able to make changes... quickly. I am very happy with the finished website.
Servicio prestado: Diseño web clásico

Sunil Kochhar

10 may 2024

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Mark was great, attentive, efficient and very responsive to our many requests....
Servicio prestado: Diseño web clásico

Georgina Harte

12 abr 2024

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I’m really happy with the website that Mark built for my business. He went above and beyond to get it up and running on a tight budget. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Orriss Design....
Servicio prestado: Diseño web clásico
Respuesta del profesional
Thank you Georgina - I really enjoyed working on the project and hope the site brings in lots of business for you....

Andre Gardiner

20 ene 2024

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Mark was super helpful in adding the finishing touches and adding some extra design tweaks to my clothing website. He was also really helpful in helping set up our SEO and T&C's. Would really recomend... if you are struggling with those final hurdles to get your own site live.
Servicio prestado: Diseño web avanzado

Rob Davies

17 oct 2023

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Mark is very amenable, has lots of good ideas, great and easy to work with, did I fab job getting my site up to date. Thanks Mark! ...
Servicio prestado: Diseño web clásico

Luke Ainsworth

15 jun 2023

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Really enjoyed working with Mark, ended up with a great website which works well and fit my specifications to a tee. Would very much recommend him!...
Servicio prestado: Diseño web clásico
Respuesta del profesional
Thanks Luke. All the best with your new venture......


19 abr 2023

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Mark Orriss, at Orriss Designs, made the whole process so easy and enjoyable, and I’m absolutely thrilled with my author website. He communicated clearly and dealt with a few tweaks and changes promptly.... I will be shouting his name from the rooftops!
Servicio prestado: Diseño web clásico
Respuesta del profesional
Thanks Carrie - I look forward to seeing the book on the bookshelves... ...

Federico Pastor

23 mar 2023

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Easy to talk to, uncomplicated to the point and very efficient. Excellent work. I approached Mark seeking some help with my site and fix these issues very well, simple no need for cliches or extravagances.... He also pointed out a couple of very important point to address that he did without problems.
Servicio prestado: Actualizaciones del sitio
Respuesta del profesional
Thanks Federico - I hope the site serves you well. Speak soon......

Stuart Wood

13 dic 2022

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Mark is a pleasure to work with. Totally professional and very helpful. He was all about making things work which was exactly what we needed. Highly recommended 👌...
Servicio prestado: Rediseño de página web
Respuesta del profesional
Thank you Denise. It's been great fun working with you and I look forward to working with you again in the future......