Spice Consulting
Spice Consulting
Transforming Your Digital Dreams into Reality - One Click at a Time!
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Acerca de Spice Consulting

I'm Glen Cinnamon, a seasoned website builder and a Wix Legend Partner, with nearly 100 captivating websites designed on the Wix platform to my credit. Proficient in the new wix Studio for more advanced... sites. My background as a Regional Director for a major Retail Discounter has endowed me with a profound understanding of the digital landscape and the power of effective customer communication and branding. Now, I'm committed to applying that knowledge and passion to transform your ideas into an online presence that captivates and converts. My philosophy is simple - I seek to translate your thoughts, wishes, and brand essence into a digital reality that not only you will cherish but that will also appeal to your target audience. No project is too big or small, each one is a unique journey. Unleash the Power of Personalised Design From start-ups to well-established businesses, my portfolio demonstrates a broad spectrum of website creations, each with varying levels of functionality. My knowledge of this platform allows me to maximise its capabilities, creating custom-tailored, visually stunning websites that offer high-quality content and an exceptional user experience. Let's Collaborate I pride myself on being approachable, professional, and most importantly - a listener. I understand that your website is an extension of your brand, and my aim is to reflect that with authenticity and creativity. I'm here to help you make an impact. If you're ready to journey into the realm of digital aesthetics, let's get the conversation started. Looking forward to creating something amazing together. Contact me and expect a response within 24 hours. We're about to build not just a website, but a digital experience.
Trabaja en:

Servicios ofrecidos
Servicios de SEORedacción y copywritingFotografía profesionalMigrar página webPágina web móvilDiseño web clásicoDiseño web avanzadoActualizaciones del sitioInstalación de aplicacionesAjustes de la tiendaConexión de dominiosPágina web de comercio electrónicoConfiguración del menú del restauranteRediseño de página webEmail personalizadoLogo personalizado

Servicios y tarifas

Diseño web (5)

Pequeñas tareas (5)

Tienda online (2)

Marketing y promoción (2)

Diseño gráfico (2)

Diseño web clásico

Obtén una página web básica con un tema.
A partir de 600 $

Diseño web avanzado

Obtén una página web con elementos visuales personalizados, funciones avanzadas y más.
A partir de 900 $

Rediseño de página web

Obtén un nuevo tema y diseño para tu página web.
A partir de 500 $

Migrar página web

Utiliza tus gráficos y contenido existentes en un nuevo sitio Wix.
A partir de 500 $

Página web móvil

Haz que tu sitio se vea increíble en dispositivos móviles.
A partir de 200 $


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