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Auto Currency Switcher
Por MLVeda
15 días de prueba gratis

Auto Currency Switcher

Por MLVeda
Auto-display prices in visitor's currency
1.8 (4)
15 días de prueba gratis

Descripción general de la app Auto Currency Switcher

    Currency Switcher
    Auto IP detection
    Show Rounded Prices
    Remove Decimals
Expand Your Reach: Present Local Currency via Auto Currency Switcher and Display Converted Prices Your online store can now reach customers all around the world. The widget works like magic, sensing where your customers are and seamlessly switching product prices into their local currency. It's like a virtual connection that brings cultures together. Our Auto Currency Switcher app (ACS) supports over 150+ currencies, giving you a big global edge. Simplify the shopping experience with our price rounding feature. Say goodbye to complicated decimals and easily adjust the precision to suit your preferences and shop with confidence. Our app lets you hide decimals, offering you clean and elegant price displays. No more distractions – just the clear, whole numbers you need for a seamless shopping experience. The ACS Edge: Choose MLVeda The choice is clear—choose us to catalyze your global aspirations. We've put together everything you need, like changing currencies automatically and making things look great. Embrace the international e-commerce evolution with Auto Currency Switcher from MLVeda—it's like a special pass to a world full of exciting possibilities.
Disponibilidad:Esta app está disponible en todo el mundo.
Idiomas de la app:
Requisitos del sitio:

de calificación promedio

(Basada en reseñas)
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Precios y planes

Esta app ofrece una prueba gratuita de 15 días
premium Plan


Auto IP detection
Currency Switcher
Show Rounded Prices
Hide Deicmals and 24/7 Support
* El precio es en USD.

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