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Optimized Showcase
Por Paper Temple
Plan gratuito disponible

Optimized Showcase

Por Paper Temple
Automated Featured Product Display
1.0 (2)
Plan gratuito disponible

Descripción general de la app Optimized Showcase

    Highly customizable featured product display
    Automatic testing, optimization, & filtering based on user engagement
    Filter, sort, & randomize products
    Access engagement data to see what gets the most attention
Effortlessly present up to five products in a highly customizable product showcase. Choose from five style presets and tailor each column individually. But this is more than just a featured product display, our intelligent algorithm simultaneously tests and prioritizes products based on user engagement so that only products with the most interaction are shown. No need to fuss over data monitoring or manually swapping out products – it's all taken care of automatically. If you ever need to fine-tune things, you still have full control over indexing and display. Access engagement data conveniently through the dashboard, empowering you to make informed decisions. Highlight your newest products by optimizing based on age for increased visibility. Similarly, prioritize products with low stock quantity for urgent calls to action, or give a boost to items on discount to attract potential buyers. Filter by category or price to showcase only the most relevant products. You can mix and match filters and optimization features to create uniquely tailored and optimized results. Access the fully-featured app with up to 20 products completely FREE by adding it today!
Disponibilidad:Esta app está disponible en todo el mundo.
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Precios y planes

Basic Plan


Customizable Featured Product Display
Filter, Sort, and Randomize Products
Automatic Testing and Optimization
Index up to 20 Products
Standard Plan


Customizable Featured Product Display
Filter, Sort, and Randomize Products
Automatic Testing and Optimization
Index up to 100 Products
Premium Plan


Customizable Featured Product Display
Filter, Sort, and Randomize Products
Automatic Testing and Optimization
Index up to 1000 Products
* El precio es en USD.

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