Customizable appearance: Offer options to change widget size, padding and position through no-code configuration. This allows merchant to place the widget according to website aesthetic
On-Site Chat Box: Seamless Deployment of SMS Widget to your Site
Pre-filled Messages: Set up default messages that shows within the Chat Window as soon as it opens, saving Users time and effort
Our SMS Button app allows your website visitors to send you a text message directly with just one click. By adding this button to your site, users can quickly open their default messaging app and start composing a message to you.
Please note: You’ll need to enter your phone number in the app dashboard to enable this feature.
This is NOT an app to send direct SMS from my Wix Page to my phone numberThe only "SMS" function it has is label the chat buttom with "SMS", yes, thats all, if you want to save that money just add the Wix Chat app and labet it with...
Gracias por tus comentarios
Ryanbeieler/ Oct 24, 2024
Doesn't work :(
equipo de Ichonic
I'm sorry to hear that. Our app is used by hundreds of customers, and we haven't received any feedback about the app not working. You might have problems following the steps to...
Gracias por tus comentarios
Precios y planes
Plan Basic Plan
Increased Customer Engagement
Customizable Experience
Seamless Integration
24/7 support
* Precio en USD.
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